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Cosplayer Interview: Star Kat Cosplay

Today's Featured Cosplayer is my Long time and

very talented friend Star Kat Cosplay aka Juliette.

Met Star Kat about a year ago, This Talented Cosplayer has cosplayed from many characters from a large variety of Geek Stuff from Star wars, Back to the Future, Marvel.....You name it.....she has probably cosplayed it.

Check out below our interview with her and also check out her page and show some love and support


Before we start can you Tell us a little bit about the person behind the cosplayer, Tell us about yourself?

I love cats, coffee, the color purple, and dirty gin martinis :p

So lets get started with the obvious question: How and when did you get started in cosplaying?

I had wanted to attempt a cosplay for years but never had the courage to take the plunge until a college friend (Queen Nyota Cosplay) encouraged me to finally give it a try! My first ever convention was a small Star Trek con in 2014 and I made an Original Series Mirror Universe uniform. It was so bad, the entire thing was pretty much hot glued and hand sewed together XD shortly after that I was invited to be a part of an X-Men Days of Future Past cosplay group (cosplayers who have since become some of my closest friends) as Kitty Pryde for Tampa Bay Comic Con, and the rest is history!

How many costumes have you worn since you started and which is your favorite and which was the most challenging to make?

I've done roughly 40 cosplays since I started two years ago. Its too hard to pick just one favorite costume since I usually cosplay my favorite characters to begin with! The most challenging cosplay so far has been my Sith version of Princess Leia. It took me a really long time to nail down my design (I sewed about five different versions of her skirt before the final one). And then between the electronics and designing the hilt, building the light saber has definitely been one of the most challenging props I've made.

Which character do you find the easiest to portray and which is the hardest?

I'm definitely drawn to badass sci-fi heroines I look up to or bubbly, sweet, nerdy characters I relate to. Its so much fun bringing these characters to life in photoshoots!

The easiest to portray is the original Star Kat superhero character I designed because its pretty much just how I imagine myself as a superhero, lol

I have a really hard time portraying villains!

Since you started how many conventions have you attended and which one is on top of your list?

I've attended over 20 cons at this point. My favorite conventions are usually memorable because of the friends I'm with, not necessarily the con itself. Dragon Con is definitely up there on my list!

Speaking of conventions, do you have any interesting or memorable stories?

One of my favorite memories was meeting Stan Lee when I was dressed as Spider-Woman. After security barked at the people in line, "no touching allowed!" Stan immediately put his arm around me and exclaimed, "Where have you been all my life?" and then proceeded to "thwip!" at the camera. He was awesome!

You have cosplayed a large range of characters, if all of them were to fight in an all battle royale…who would come out the victor?

Oh man, thats a tough one! This would be a pretty close fight...right now I'm partial to Sith Leia. Between her force abilities and her saber, no one would stand a chance against her! But if it was a fight between regular, non-powered humans I would put my money on Sarah Connor

What advice do you have for someone just starting out?

Don't be afraid! Start small, first try thrifting together a closet cosplay and then work your way up toward modifying clothing and then finally sewing something from scratch.

Who and what is your biggest inspiration in your life?

Marty McFly is definitely one of my biggest inspirations in terms of fictional characters. He's near and dear to my heart and he's helped me get through some rough patches in my life. Like Marty, I'm always trying to remind myself to be brave, that my future is whatever I make it, and to care less about what others think of me.

If you can have any super power, what would it be and why?

I would love to be able to fly!

Can you tell us about any planned cosplays and conventions you got coming up?

I'm currently working on Hellcat from the new Marvel comic. I'm hoping to attend Megacon this year if I can swing it.

What other ways can your fans follow you?

As of now, Facebook is the only source for all things Star Kat :p

If you could say anything to your Fans, Family and Friends, What would it be?

Just a humble thank you for all their support! All their responses, from likes or comments to talking to me in person, just absolutely brightens my day. Theres nothing better than getting positive feedback after pouring your heart into something you love <3





MiG Photography World

BriLan Imagery

T Kirk Photography

Isidro Urena

John Victor

Thank You for checking out this amazing interview, while your here. Please go Check out the rest of the page and see the rest of my work on my portfolio area.


Brian Lansangan

Photographer / Blogger


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