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Cosplay Interview: Pink Justice Cosplay

Today's Featured Cosplayer is my amazing and talented friend Chery from Pink Justice Cosplay

I first worked with Cheryl about 3 years ago at Megacon , And She is one of the most talented and amazing cosplayers in the community.

Check out below our interview with her and also check out her page and show some love and support!!!


Before we start can you Tell us a little bit about the person behind the cosplayer, Tell us about yourself?

Well Pink Justice Cosplay is shared by my husband and I, but I'll just answer the questions from my perspective. Cosplay is my hobby. I work a full time job, which sometimes requires me to work loads of overtime. I like to cosplay because building things relieves stress and helps me feel successful and accomplished.

So lets get started with the obvious question: How and when did you get started in cosplaying?

I dipped my toes in the cosplay waters a long time ago, but I didn't truly get into it until about 2012. My husband was diagnosed with Cancer and I needed an outlet to relieve some stress. I began working on a costume and my husband got interested in it as well. He wanted to try out cosplay once he recovered and so he did. He was a positive goal for the both of us.

How many costumes have you worn since you started and which is your favorite and which was the most challenging to make?

Around 14. My favorite is Cullen because I am so proud how it turned out, it was probably also the most challenging because I only had two weeks to finish it.

Which character do you find the easiest to portray and which is the hardest?

Pixie because she is goofy and playful. I also don't have to be serious in photos, so it's alot easier to pose.

Since you started how many conventions have you attended and which one is on top of your list?

Maybe around 20ish. I am not really sure of the exact number. I tend to most do only day for most local conventions because I try to limit my spending.

Speaking of conventions, do you have any interesting or memorable stories?

I have made a ton of friends at conventions. I have a had lots of amazing experiences, but one in particular was when I was cosplaying as Chibi Moon and a little five year old girl came up to me and told me she watched all of my shows. It was the cutest thing, she actually believed I was Chibi Moon. It was very flattering.

You have cosplayed a large range of characters, if all of them were to fight in an all battle royale…who would come out the victor?

Probably Natsu because she comes from a fighting game, so I would think she would have the most experience, she can also teleport short distances and has a magic sword, so I would imagine that would make her pretty hard to kill.

What advice do you have for someone just starting out?

Pick a costume that you feel you can achieve with your current skill set, but try to learn at least one new thing, whether that be making some some acrylic jewels of making a few small pieces out of worbla. Always check the internet for tutorials and don't be afraid to ask for advice.

Who and what is your biggest inspiration in your life?

It sounds cheesy, but my husband. He always supports my goals and cheers me on. I like that we're a team, it makes cosplaying more fun.

If you can have any super power, what would it be and why?

Teleportation. I could get so much done AND cut down on gas!

Can you tell us about any planned cosplays and conventions you got coming up?

I am currently working on Lilith from Darkstalkers for Megacon.

What other ways can your fans follow you?

Facebook: DeviantArt: Tumblr: Twitter: Instagram:

If you could say anything to your Fans, Family and Friends, What would it be?

Thank you for the support. It makes me very happy to hear feedback from friends or get questions about cosplay. I'm always super flattered when anyone tells me the like my cosplay or follow my page.



Harley photo credit:

Cullen Photo credit:

Neopolitan Photo credit:

Ty Lee Photo credit:

Tallis (green armor) Photo credit:

Natsu, Pixie and Gwen Photo Credit: BriLan Imagery

Thank You for checking out this amazing interview, while your here. Please go Check out the rest of the page and see the rest of my work on my portfolio area and also if you wanna show some more support, please check out my Patreon as well


Brian Lansangan

Photography / Blogger


Instagram: @BriLanImagery

Twitter: @BriLanImagery


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