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Cosplayer Interview: Megan "Starbuxx" Coffey

Today's Featured Cosplayer is my Long time friend

Megan "Starbuxx" Coffey

I met Megan about a 3 years ago, And Megan's amazing talent grows and grows every time she comes out with a new and amazing cosplays. I am so blessed to have her a friend.

Check out below our interview with her and also check out her page and show some love and support


Before we start can you Tell us a little bit about the person behind the cosplayer, Tell us about yourself?

I’m a SFL cosplayer and model! I’m currently working on my masters degree in biology.

So lets get started with the obvious question: How and when did you get started in cosplaying?

I got started back when I used to sell fanart at local cons! Everyone else had cool outfits, so shortly after my first con or so, I decided to try to make my own costumes! (Circa summer 2013)

How many costumes have you worn since you started and which is your favorite and which was the most challenging to make?

Ahhh I probably have 30-35 costumes. My most challenging ones are ones that I need patience to do... lol. Like Dark Magician Girl. My favorite may also be DMG but she’s too bulky to wear comfortably for a long time :/

Which character do you find the easiest to portray and which is the hardest?

Dark or evil characters are hard for me to portray, I feel like I do better with the younger, student, pure cinnamon roll types haha.

Since you started how many conventions have you attended and which one is on top of your list?

Oh... a lot... lol. FL has a ton of cons. I’ve done Fl cons for the past 3 years, but I’m going to start going to out of state cons, starting this summer!

Speaking of conventions, do you have any interesting or memorable stories?

Meeting friends at cons! I’ve made a handful of friends by going to these events, and its a pretty good take-away from the community!

You have cosplayed a large range of characters, if all of them were to fight in an all battle royale…who would come out the victor?

Hmm maybe the Saiyan or Supergirl!

What advice do you have for someone just starting out?

Just try your best! Its okay to make mistakes, its part of the learning process. Just have fun and don’t let anyone try to take that fun away from you!

Who and what is your biggest inspiration in your life?

My biggest inspiration is probably a mix of scientists and artists haha.

If you can have any super power, what would it be and why?

Flight! Its a green mode of transportation lol. Also, I could be one with the birds *^*

Can you tell us about any planned cosplays and conventions you got coming up?

I’ve got a bunch of summer FL cons lined up! As well as out of state cons likle Colossal in the summer and AWA in the fall! As for cosplays... who knows whats next lol.

What other ways can your fans follow you?







If you could say anything to your Fans, Family and Friends, What would it be?

I just would like to thank anyone who supports my hobbies *^* It’s really appreciated! I love doing crafty things as a stress reliever and I’m happy that you guys enjoy being a part of it!

"Starbuxx and BriLan Imagery"




Chasis Photos

BriLan Imagery

Female Titan Photo Edited by Saffels Photography

Thank You for checking out this amazing interview, while your here. Please go Check out the rest of the page and see the rest of my work on my portfolio area.


Brian Lansangan

Photography / Blogger


Instagram: @BriLanImagery

Twitter: @BriLanImagery

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