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Cosplayer Interview: Danica Rockwood

Today's Featured Cosplayer is my amazing and talented friend Danica Rockwood

I met Danica about a 2 years ago at Megacon in Orlando, FL., And Danica's amazing talent grows and grows every time she comes out with a new and amazing cosplays. Check out below our interview with her and also check out her page and show some love and support!!!


Before we start can you Tell us a little bit about the person behind the cosplayer, Tell us about yourself?

I'm awkward, curse like a sailor, and I have the toughest time finding clothes in my closet that are not Stars Wars related. For the last year I've been working a Manager in Training at a liquor store selling cheap bros and chicks really crappy or overrated booze that rappers pour out in music videos. Other than that, I'm Batman.

So lets get started with the obvious question: How and when did you get started in cosplaying?

I got into cosplay by a friend's influence of getting me to go to a comic con event in Florida. I made a crappy costume of a video game character named Morrigan from Dragon Age Origins. Bioware found that pic, and they posted it on their page... I wanted to re-vamp the crappy costume, so I improved it. Bioware then posted the revamped version. When I realized the photo shouldn't be a camera phone pic, I sourced out a photographer. Bioware then told me to make a page to properly credit me on their posts, and I did. I then met a bunch of super bad ass people who hit that little "Like" button on FB and kept cheering me on for more. Here I am. :D

How many costumes have you worn since you started and which is your favorite and which was the most challenging to make?

How many costumes? How many times have you taken a breath since you've been alive? I don't count. Haha! Uh, I'm going to have to say there's at least 45 characters I've done in 4 years.

Which character do you find the easiest to portray and which is the hardest?

I find the easiest character to portray is Bastila Shan from Knights of the Old Republic. She's stoic, boring, and is so obsessed with being a good Jedi that all her expressions aren't very.. uh, well, expressive? The hardest HAS to be Silk from the Amazing Spiderman, or Chell from Portal actually. I'm talking about photoshoots. When I shoot for composites I have to imagine where I'm shooting the gun, how to look like I'm upside down and jumping in mid air, but then imagine what my legs would be doing if they were right side up with gravity. However, my hair isn't defying gravity so we have to shoot that separate, but then my neck doesn't arch right to look like I'm upside down. I don't know it's just as hard as playing Portal, and just as complicated. Silk is not am easy character for people with no flexibility and being completely stiff in the joints. Shooting Silk is a work out, I stretch all over the place, flex, arch, and sit on the tips of my fingers and balls of my feet. All while having my nose and mouth covered which makes it hard to breathe.

Since you started how many conventions have you attended and which one is on top of your list?

20 that i've counted off my hand, but there are some shows that I've continued going to annually. PAX's are always special to me. I always feel the need to raise my arms up and shout "MY PEOPLE!!" They all are familiar with 95% of the video games I've cosplayed from, I don't have to explain my shirts or references, and I get to be around like-minded individuals who are excited about _____ coming out next year on a CPU, PS, or Xbox.

Most comic cons are comic book and anime, there's not enough video game events to go around.

Speaking of conventions, do you have any interesting or memorable stories?

I was at this one show called Space Coast Comic Con, and dressed as Raven. This little girl was so excited to see me as her favorite character that she wanted me to hug her and share secrets. I was so pumped that a little kid was so excited to see me that at the end of the day she came over to me and said "You're not really Raven, you're too nice." and walked away. LOL!

You have cosplayed a large range of characters, if all of them were to fight in an all battle royale…who would come out the victor?

I remember you asked me this question in a podcast a long while back, and I have more characters I've done since then. I'm just going to say Liara T'soni because she has bionic powers and doesn't have to touch anyone to do crap to them. My mind is so blank.

What advice do you have for someone just starting out?

Here's just a random list: Jump in, ask questions, make sure your eyebrows suit your wig color, Red Bull is your friend, having late nights is normal, people don't always finish their costume in time for a show and some of us are still sewing until the last hour before the convention, hand sanitizer is your friend, practice posing in front of a mirror, Creative mode streamers on Twitch are incredibly helpful, nothing will be perfect the first time, not every cosplayer will be as welcoming as you think, if you can't find the right color fabric you can always custom dye it, Google is your friend, practice make up, break your shoes in while walking around the house day to day instead of bringing new shoes to a convention, eyedrops are your friend, iron your wrinkly costume before you do a professional shoot in it, Worbla isn't scary, and lastly... Make mistakes and learn from them, this is about having fun and challenging yourself.

Who and what is your biggest inspiration in your life?

He started his own busineuss around my age, built the house I grew up in, and showered me with friendship, life lessons, and love. Without him, I would of never learned power tools and how to work with my hands. My father is my biggest inspiration.

If you can have any super power, what would it be and why?

Telekinesis, because you can do ANYTHING with that power.

Can you tell us about any planned cosplays and conventions you got coming up?

I can't tell you what I have planned because that's a perk of being on my Patreon, but I will be going to Megacon at the end of May and Colossalcon beginning of June. :D

What other ways can your fans follow you?

Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Patreon:

If you could say anything to your Fans, Family and Friends, What would it be?

I love you, a lot. Like, super a lot. We're bros, and you all kick butt! :D



Photo Credits:

David Love Photography

IM Photography

BriLan Imagery

Kristian Colasacco

Thank You for checking out this amazing interview, while your here. Please go Check out the rest of the page and see the rest of my work on my portfolio area.


Brian Lansangan

Photography / Blogger


Instagram: @BriLanImagery

Twitter: @BriLanImagery

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